Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Taking a Break.

Not that many of you reading this will miss my non-insightful thoughts on the world :) but I wanted to just say that I am taking a break. A break from what, you ask? Good question. :)

A break from my online social communications. I really think that breaking from blogging, MySpacing, Facebooking, and IMing will really be good for me. I can't give up the email, or the phone, because those are vital to me. And I have to IM for work, so I guess I can't fully avoid that...but I need to retreat.

I need to create more space for God, and I honestly feel empty right now. I just don't have anything to give right now.


Sometimes, I think I let the little things get in the way of the big things. Right now, life seems too big to grasp, and I fill my time with everything but Jesus. I need to change that, and I need to focus on him more. Without Him in me, I have nothing in me to offer to anyone. I want to be a good friend, and a good colleague. Currently, I don't possess the strength to be either.

I am still here, and am not going anywhere; but overall, i don't have the strength to reach out and so I am turning inward. I don't know what result this will produce, but I know that the most important thing to me is being where God wants me to be, and currently, I am not even seeking him to find out.

So I guess, um, see you all, sometime, when i return to this blog....someday....


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