Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why do I believe?

I woke up today, not feeling well and also still sad about the changes that are happening in my life during these next few weeks. But I still believe...I believe because God is good, and because he has shown me in the past that no matter what happens in this world, he is in the midst of it all. When things go beautifully and your heart is so full you feel it could burst – God is present. When we perceive that the world is closing in on us and we don’t have the strength to get through what life throws at us – God is present.

And this is what I am holding onto today. That God is here, with me. That while he won’t remove the circumstances or the pain, he will endure it with me.

And for now, that has to be enough. It has to be. It’s only when I won’t let it be enough that I turn from him.

As one friend leaves, and a new sense of home will be formed, I take comfort in lyrics from a song I like: “Slowly, strangers turn to friends and welcome me to this colorful world.” Every person we meet is an opportunity: an opportunity to make a stranger a friend, a chance for heaven to come to earth, an opening for redemption to step in, for pain to be healed, for love to be shared. Recently a group of people I met opened up my eyes to more of the beautiful colors God has designed into this world: colors of laughter, love, joy, dedication, loyalty, and the pursuit of God. Add that to the colors he has shown me here, with my friends and job, and the array of brilliant colors flash into a kaleidoscope that lifts the heart when it is low.

So, may God’s love be with you this day. Keep your chin up, because you can make it through. (And believe me, this as much for me as for you!) :)



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