Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Things I learned at Fido

Every person you meet is a potential friend.

Hip is where you make it.

Chai tea is not something to order on a date, unless you think that the little pieces of cinnamon that get stuck in your teeth are super attractive. :)

I love hugs. I hug my friends a lot, but not enough. Hugs are great for hellos, good-byes, I miss you, and I appreciate you.

Every city has a Fido.

Nashville is a beautiful city.

God works in our heart everywhere. At any time, any place, with any person, he can work in our hearts.

When we have true community, a piece of heaven comes to earth. (Rob Bell must get some of this credit…without my one significant forgiveness conversation with him; I wouldn’t be the person I am with this viewpoint).

I love people.

I want to make a difference in this world.

God is preparing me for something.

Friends. Are. Priceless.


  • At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    grand rapids does not have a fido. you need to move to nashville because we have a fido here.

  • At 2:01 AM, Blogger Melinda said…

    ha! Touche...I took Emily to our closest thing to Fido here, and it closed at 10pm. Yeah, definitely not as cool as Fido...

  • At 9:58 PM, Blogger Daniel said…

    Fido is very cool. It began our family so to speak. My wife Carey and I started going there on dates in late 1996. Well, we've been married for 8 years in December, and we have a precious little 2-year-old girl named Chloe. A large part of that is for the hours we logged in deep conversation at Fido! Come to think of it we need to go back soon. Maybe after Lion King!

  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Melinda said…


    Hey! Wow, that is cool! I can imagine Fido would be a great place for dates, to have in-depth conversations and drink wonderful coffee and tea.

    yes, definitely go back soon - and you'll have to introduce Chloe to it sometime! :)
    p.s. How did you find my blog? I'm glad you did, I hope it is enjoyable for you to read!


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