Things I learned at Fido
Every person you meet is a potential friend.
Hip is where you make it.
Chai tea is not something to order on a date, unless you think that the little pieces of cinnamon that get stuck in your teeth are super attractive. :)
I love hugs. I hug my friends a lot, but not enough. Hugs are great for hellos, good-byes, I miss you, and I appreciate you.
Every city has a Fido.
Nashville is a beautiful city.
God works in our heart everywhere. At any time, any place, with any person, he can work in our hearts.
When we have true community, a piece of heaven comes to earth. (Rob Bell must get some of this credit…without my one significant forgiveness conversation with him; I wouldn’t be the person I am with this viewpoint).
I love people.
I want to make a difference in this world.
God is preparing me for something.
Friends. Are. Priceless.
At 1:18 AM, Anonymous said…
grand rapids does not have a fido. you need to move to nashville because we have a fido here.
At 2:01 AM, Melinda said…
ha! Touche...I took Emily to our closest thing to Fido here, and it closed at 10pm. Yeah, definitely not as cool as Fido...
At 9:58 PM, Daniel said…
Fido is very cool. It began our family so to speak. My wife Carey and I started going there on dates in late 1996. Well, we've been married for 8 years in December, and we have a precious little 2-year-old girl named Chloe. A large part of that is for the hours we logged in deep conversation at Fido! Come to think of it we need to go back soon. Maybe after Lion King!
At 10:33 PM, Melinda said…
Hey! Wow, that is cool! I can imagine Fido would be a great place for dates, to have in-depth conversations and drink wonderful coffee and tea.
yes, definitely go back soon - and you'll have to introduce Chloe to it sometime! :)
p.s. How did you find my blog? I'm glad you did, I hope it is enjoyable for you to read!
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