Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Isn't it amazing what happens when egos get in the way? I have been forced in the past week to deal with this alot - and I don't mean just the other people's egos. I have been confronted with my own.

Personally, 'grateful is the heart that is humbled' is my mantra these past few weeks. And it's true - I would rather be humbled and thus be closer to God, than to have him allow me to stay in my pride but fall farther away from his heart...

This journey can be lonely. It can be painful. It's not easy.

But, if we're journeying ever-closer to God's heart, it's all worth it. For in his heart we find love, grace, mercy, truth, and wholeness.


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