Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tissues, Anyone?

OK, now before I even type down these words, I’m going to admit something. I admit that this story will strike you as a little crazy, or random. And I’m Ok with that. I just need you to bear with me as I unpack this for you.

So, something I’ve been realizing lately (it’s always been there and I’ve always known it, but it’s resurfaced in a new way) is that I don’t value myself appropriately. Somewhere deep down inside, I don’t believe I’m worthy of value. And I don’t thus treat myself how I would treat others.

I was moving back upstairs to my bedroom from the guest room I was sleeping in, and as I was doing so I noticed that upstairs in my bedroom I had a cute box of Kleenex. And it made me glad. Know why? In the past, when I am buying things for the house, I’ll buy the cute boxes of tissue for downstairs, for other people to use. But for me, I get the boring, plain Jane stuff. And while there is maybe nothing wrong with that, for me I think it’s a small step to how I can start to value myself better. And so it made me smile that just before Christmas, I had purchased for myself a cute box of tissue.

And then last night, I went to have a snack of Cheerios. What a treat! And so as I did so, I pulled out one of the older bowls I had, not so great for eating cereal because it’s wider, not deep. And right before I poured the Cheerios I thought “now, why would I use the lesser bowl on me, why not use the regular bowl?”

These are big steps for me, friends. I’m working on it. I know that changing these won’t change how I truly feel on the inside. But I believe they can help. And I believe I can encourage right thinking through actions.

So, if anyone needs some tissues, I’ve got some. :)


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