Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Oh man. Lunch break is over; I am sitting at my desk, just waiting for this day to be over. And yet the next 4 hours hold so much stinking potential, but I feel like wasting it. I feel like being lazy and I just want to go home and take a nap. Honestly, I’m running. I’m running from the discipline of focusing on getting the urgent tasks here at work done and then going home, making a healthy dinner (the goal is NO fast food this week!), and the discipline of then studying for my final exam. This is it folks, this is the last night I have to sacrifice going for a run, sleeping more than 4 hours, watchin’ TV, reading a good book, and hanging with friends. And yet I don’t wanna do it.

Can we say I am a kid again, wanting to throw a tantrum and screaming “I don’t wanna do it?” Thankfully, I am an adult, and I am able to overcome that temptation, but it’s not easy. So on that note, I am going to get back to work & finish that dang expense report, push hard til 5pm, and then get outta here.

Here’s to a happy evening for everyone. Talk later!


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