Oh, the randomness...

Just my thoughts on life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

it's all about attitude

Ok, many of us have heard this quote "life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we respond." Basically, our attitude determines alot about our life.

I know this first-hand. See, I was a competitive runner all through high school and college. And anyone who knows me knows that I was so not created to be a runner - my hips are actually 1" different in height (weird) and it causes many problems for running. I also am larger than most of the girls I ran with at Calvin, which is also just odd to think about. And more importantly, I don't like doing anything but the running! Any good athlete knows they have to dedicate themselves to certain eating regimes, exercise routines, extra exercises to work the muscles that don't appear as important at first. But I didn't like doing that - I ate what I wanted, ran hard at practice, but you'd be lucky to see me sticking around to lift weights. And yet, I was a great runner. But you know what it was? I wanted it. Every time I raced, I could feel the desire to run my heart out - the joy that I experience while racing is incredible! And I wanted to show all those nay-sayers that I could do it. And by golly, I did.

But it was sheer determination and attitude, not actual skill or inherent proclivity. And most of my life, this is what has gotten me through. In fact, I might even argue that at work, it's not necessarily my skills that make me good at my job. It's more my attitude - my willingness to jump in where needed and if I don't know something, to figure it out. It all comes down to attitude.

I need to rely on that gumption right now. My attitude stinks today: I'm upset at people and at myself, I don't want to be at work and would much rather be watching movies at home, and I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. So, instead of giving in to fear and pain and anxiety, I'm going to kick it. I'm going to choose an attitude that will help me see the possibilities in front of me, and how God can use this time to do a bit of much-needed operating.


  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger anne said…

    Oh how hard this good attitude can be to have... :) Here's to a happy Friday-eve!!


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